Friday, February 24, 2012

Slushy Day

Will we ever get to go outside again?

We woke up to some pretty gross weather this morning.  It rained yesterday, and then snowed through the night,  so it's pretty much a wet, slushy, slippery, mess out there.  Also, it seems that both Ed and I are coming down with colds.  Dottie appears to be under the weather, too.  Poor pupper.  I still have some energy, so I decided to squeeze in some errands and chores today before I start feeling too craptastic to complete them.  I'm all set for the wave of illness!


  1. Ugh...I know...totally ready for some warmer temps. Too cooped up - hope you feel better!

  2. Thanks! At least we've had a few peeks of sunshine. That's enough to give me hope that Spring will be here soon :)

